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What do you need to ask during an interview with a potential employer?
Every talented specialist wants to change their workplace from time to time. It's a very responsible yet challenging process, especially for juniors and candidates who don't change their job often. In these cases, you need...
Which IT role to choose?
The IT sector is one of the most well-developed in the modern world. In IT, a specialist always learns something new according to the market specifics: new updates, methods, authors, frameworks/versions, etc. No doubt about...
How to avoid emotional burnout
Our emotional and psychological health is one of the most important aspects of our lives, especially for everyday work. What should you do if you feel exhausted? Will work change help you feel better? In...
Channels for communication with candidates
Our modern world dictates we use new methods and approaches every day in our contact with each other, both in private and work life. In the current market, we see how yesterday, absolutely unknown social...
First contact in Social Media. How to?
Hello friends! In this article, I want to engage you in advancing your messaging skills on social media. At Hire&Flare, we use the most modern and practical methods. Our IT recruiting team has regular sync...
Handy tips for a successful HR interview
In my opinion, an HR interview is one of the most critical parts of the entire hiring process. I'll explain this using a very common quote: "You will never have a second chance to make...

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