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Handy tips for a successful HR interview

In my opinion, an HR interview is one of the most critical parts of the entire hiring process. I’ll explain this using a very common quote: “You will never have a second chance to make a first impression.”

Let’s discuss this. During an HR call or actual meeting, the candidate makes a judgment about the hiring manager’s professional level, company spirit and people in your company, so you need to carry out this step as good as possible.

I will not tell you about popular IT recruiting PARLA, STAR or SPIN methods on this topic since you can find dozens of articles about them. I just want to share the most relevant and specific tricks.

Part 1. Intro.

During this part, try to give information about how your interview will look like and share an interview plan. Any candidate will prefer to know what the agenda looks like. Every person starts to worry when they don’t know what to expect. Sharing this information will help them relax and be more open with you.

Part 2. Information about your company and position.

I recommend starting the conversation first! Try to provide as much information as needed, because in the modern world YOU need to sell your vacancy. On the other hand, this trick also helps the сandidate to get used to you, because if you want to have sincere dialogue, you must be open-minded and honest.

Part 3. Understanding the candidate’s experience.

Of course, you need to ask a lot of questions, but the main items to pay attention to are:

  • Try to ask about their previous jobs;
  • Recognize the leading candidate’s motivation;
  • Find out what responsibilities technical talent is ready or can perform (Yes, the recruiter has to comprehend
    the technological nuances on a high level);
  • Study how a candidate works in a team and what kind of teams they have been on before.

Part 4. Important!!! Conclusions from the interview.

What does the candidate think about your company/project? You need to figure out any doubts in order to make a proposal that will be accepted!

Good luck, friends! I hope these tips will be helpful during your staffing journey! If you need prominent candidates, write to our technology search firm. Hire&Flare is always ready to help with recruitment!

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This article was written by
Yevheniia Matrosova
COO at Hire&Flare

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