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Which IT role to choose?

The IT sector is one of the most well-developed in the modern world. In IT, a specialist always learns something new according to the market specifics: new updates, methods, authors, frameworks/versions, etc. No doubt about it, this market is quite attractive for new community members.


But how does one start a career in IT? What profession should you choose? Let’s discuss it!

First, you need to research what is IT:

  • What processes do we have here?
  • What roles exist?
  • What types of IT companies do we have on the market? Market trends?
  • What kind of roles are needed here?
  • What barriers to entry exist in every role?
  • How difficult is each role?

You can find so many articles on Google about this topic. It’s the easiest part of your start.

Next step. You need to understand what YOU know about every IT role and how it can be combined with YOUR own skills, hobbies, or education. Of course, you have to learn a lot in every case, but it will be easier if the chosen area is more familiar. It’s just a recommendation.

 Every person has their own strengths. For example:

  • Sales skills;
  • Good in math;
  • Good in relationships with colleagues;
  • Attention to detail;
  • Executive skills and others.

You can compare your own background with the needed skills of every profession. If it’s difficult for you, or you are still not sure, try to use these special online tests:

Also, don`t forget about English! In the modern IT world, you can’t work without a good English language level. The reason is all companies work globally, so English is used as an international method of communication. For the biggest part of management positions are needed Advanced level. So, be ready to learn at a very high level!

 And the last one: don’t give up. It’s a long and difficult journey, but you will succeed!


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This article was written by
Yevheniia Matrosova
COO at Hire&Flare

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